H.L. Norwich, JD, CFP®

Independent, fiduciary financial planning
informed by law and psychology

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Making money work for humans™

My clients are people who see money as the fuel for the life they want for themselves and their loved ones. The size of your bank account isn’t our main focus—the expansiveness of your happiness, peace, and community of care is the measure of success when we engage in planning together.


I am a Certified Financial Planner™ and embrace the high ethical and competency standards of my profession.


I am not affiliated with any financial institution to minimize potential conflicts of interest.


Understanding what makes you tick and how emotions impact our financial behaviors is central to the unique value of my advice.

“Today’s info was very informative and presented in a way which we could understand. I’m certain both my mom and I got a lot out of our meeting with you.”

Elderly client’s son after we met to discuss estate planning review and recommendations


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